Block Shares

Block Shares
2627463 2627478 2640543 2642490 2645209 2645920 2646763 2653167 2659528 2661431 2665996 2670882 2676513 2683548 2684740 2686906 2689611 2692644 2694046 2694592
Expected 40224624 46436395 65939688 35752878 49513134 76797126 84066470 54358286 52651023 65155250 47296840 52444930 40484001 48892786 48315640 44527933 53242369 32742733 37045599 31965660
Actual 81517488 284786 204184132 31090459 50331049 20995023 26743618 172970312 94041624 37985003 69645488 58780511 95923467 108144580 18141705 32471301 33324659 53750558 38112541 15104038
Average 70943672 69599557 85717794 83527863 88266882 86678544 58462161 69633009 71004170 72014349 70827149 76676722 65850655 73556068 70337133 71484761 72142865 60220890 54627981 52339885

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,454,638 87687 87674 13 177,509.9578 249008128653 306849985601 123.23% 2171791.3362508 3.57%
Last Hour 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 6,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 26,880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 322,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2694592 Confirmed anonymous 19/06 08:34:10 (UTC) 1,997,853.77 12.501684 31,965,660 15,104,038 47.25
2694046 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 18:09:04 (UTC) 2,315,349.93 12.500000 37,045,599 38,112,541 102.88
2692644 Confirmed anonymous 17/06 05:20:44 (UTC) 2,046,420.84 12.500000 32,742,733 53,750,558 164.16
2689611 Confirmed anonymous 13/06 21:32:21 (UTC) 3,327,648.06 12.500006 53,242,369 33,324,659 62.59
2686906 Confirmed anonymous 10/06 22:37:45 (UTC) 2,782,995.80 12.500000 44,527,933 32,471,301 72.92
2684740 Confirmed anonymous 08/06 13:42:20 (UTC) 3,019,727.47 12.500000 48,315,640 18,141,705 37.55
2683548 Confirmed anonymous 07/06 06:28:37 (UTC) 3,055,799.10 12.500337 48,892,786 108,144,580 221.19
2676513 Confirmed anonymous 30/05 13:48:02 (UTC) 2,530,250.04 12.500956 40,484,001 95,923,467 236.94
2670882 Confirmed anonymous 24/05 09:43:43 (UTC) 3,277,808.14 12.500374 52,444,930 58,780,511 112.08
2665996 Confirmed anonymous 19/05 01:25:55 (UTC) 2,956,052.48 12.500000 47,296,840 69,645,488 147.25
2661431 Confirmed anonymous 14/05 01:17:03 (UTC) 4,072,203.15 12.500006 65,155,250 37,985,003 58.30
2659528 Confirmed anonymous 11/05 23:10:33 (UTC) 3,290,688.91 12.500000 52,651,023 94,041,624 178.61
2653167 Confirmed anonymous 05/05 00:08:14 (UTC) 3,397,392.85 12.500000 54,358,286 172,970,312 318.20
2646763 Confirmed anonymous 27/04 23:36:59 (UTC) 5,254,154.36 12.500000 84,066,470 26,743,618 31.81
2645920 Confirmed anonymous 27/04 01:24:11 (UTC) 4,799,820.36 12.500000 76,797,126 20,995,023 27.34
2645209 Confirmed anonymous 26/04 06:54:13 (UTC) 3,094,570.90 12.500000 49,513,134 50,331,049 101.65
2642490 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 07:31:12 (UTC) 2,234,554.88 12.500670 35,752,878 31,090,459 86.96
2640543 Confirmed anonymous 21/04 04:10:11 (UTC) 4,121,230.53 12.500000 65,939,688 204,184,132 309.65
2627478 Confirmed anonymous 06/04 20:59:15 (UTC) 2,902,274.71 12.500006 46,436,395 284,786 0.61
2627463 Confirmed anonymous 06/04 20:31:52 (UTC) 2,514,039.01 12.500000 40,224,624 81,517,488 202.66
Totals 1,007,853,365 1,243,542,342 123.39
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.