Block Shares

Block Shares
2794087 2794136 2795856 2799642 2800583 2803174 2803897 2805146 2806882 2808911 2815526 2816092 2816504 2817131 2818193 2819715 2820239 2820330 2827606 2830471
Expected 20453839 27974655 13805833 18865368 22203411 37635486 23005534 24596788 23218474 26856126 32773904 20762227 27735080 24835941 17300746 31172165 30936011 41165128 27839189 28838216
Actual 11124674 1183838 25350971 66458259 15759427 51044557 12176708 20496143 30213301 26073398 52936005 4039230 2993827 4101396 7851159 10048381 2845470 608426 38776898 6240278
Average 23962779 22590940 19074289 24607598 23881725 24425043 22313693 24273523 25201369 25988128 30169261 30454800 28219086 21983399 21192572 17092955 16159831 14171059 15027419 13044107

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,568,365 87687 87674 13 177,509.9578 249008128653 306849985601 123.23% 2171791.3362508 3.41%
Last Hour 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 6,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 26,880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 322,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2830471 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 04:09:10 (UTC) 1,802,388.53 12.534282 28,838,216 6,240,278 21.64
2827606 Confirmed anonymous 12/11 00:54:59 (UTC) 1,739,949.31 12.500168 27,839,189 38,776,898 139.29
2820330 Confirmed anonymous 04/11 01:46:48 (UTC) 2,572,820.52 12.500148 41,165,128 608,426 1.48
2820239 Confirmed anonymous 03/11 23:20:02 (UTC) 1,933,500.72 12.500000 30,936,011 2,845,470 9.20
2819715 Confirmed anonymous 03/11 09:34:27 (UTC) 1,948,260.29 12.500492 31,172,165 10,048,381 32.24
2818193 Confirmed anonymous 01/11 17:41:41 (UTC) 1,081,296.63 12.500000 17,300,746 7,851,159 45.38
2817131 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 13:33:25 (UTC) 1,552,246.29 12.501152 24,835,941 4,101,396 16.51
2816504 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 21:07:06 (UTC) 1,733,442.51 12.500000 27,735,080 2,993,827 10.79
2816092 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 10:19:52 (UTC) 1,297,639.16 12.500000 20,762,227 4,039,230 19.45
2815526 Confirmed anonymous 29/10 19:16:24 (UTC) 2,048,369.03 12.500000 32,773,904 52,936,005 161.52
2808911 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 13:28:20 (UTC) 1,678,507.90 12.500000 26,856,126 26,073,398 97.09
2806882 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 08:17:57 (UTC) 1,451,154.59 12.502479 23,218,474 30,213,301 130.13
2805146 Confirmed anonymous 18/10 10:41:38 (UTC) 1,537,299.22 12.500000 24,596,788 20,496,143 83.33
2803897 Confirmed anonymous 17/10 01:50:09 (UTC) 1,437,845.86 12.500000 23,005,534 12,176,708 52.93
2803174 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 06:43:53 (UTC) 2,352,217.88 12.500000 37,635,486 51,044,557 135.63
2800583 Confirmed anonymous 13/10 10:50:17 (UTC) 1,387,713.16 12.500000 22,203,411 15,759,427 70.98
2799642 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 10:17:45 (UTC) 1,179,085.48 12.500000 18,865,368 66,458,259 352.28
2795856 Confirmed anonymous 08/10 06:48:37 (UTC) 862,864.59 12.500000 13,805,833 25,350,971 183.63
2794136 Confirmed anonymous 06/10 09:22:53 (UTC) 1,748,415.92 12.500000 27,974,655 1,183,838 4.23
2794087 Confirmed anonymous 06/10 08:01:29 (UTC) 1,278,364.95 12.500000 20,453,839 11,124,674 54.39
Totals 521,974,121 390,322,346 74.78
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.