Block Shares

Block Shares
2694592 2696198 2697071 2703043 2707390 2715414 2721490 2722961 2737277 2745078 2747401 2761977 2766209 2775718 2787044 2790733 2790794 2792232 2793414 2794087
Expected 31965660 37965737 36442863 40390493 25219688 32182260 27767826 22829569 28941406 25017873 20431319 11489605 15068721 19078950 43966384 46186589 31253573 25505365 19093134 20453839
Actual 15104038 41161452 18620410 69260838 51744320 58841975 24825104 5668239 51332665 27899020 14902234 60517481 11125170 23018152 45611379 33290211 897843 20934843 18205807 11124674
Average 52339885 49491481 45475471 42809208 37169182 41239209 40474590 37708948 37467158 36445806 36425626 38361229 37611705 32987436 32374142 29818966 27426239 28952900 25640214 23962779

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,426,737 87687 87674 13 177,509.9578 249008128653 306849985601 123.23% 2171791.3362508 3.61%
Last Hour 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 6,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 26,880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 322,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2794087 Confirmed anonymous 06/10 08:01:29 (UTC) 1,278,364.95 12.500000 20,453,839 11,124,674 54.39
2793414 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 14:26:25 (UTC) 1,193,320.90 12.500000 19,093,134 18,205,807 95.35
2792232 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 07:13:37 (UTC) 1,594,085.33 12.500000 25,505,365 20,934,843 82.08
2790794 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 17:24:50 (UTC) 1,953,348.33 12.500000 31,253,573 897,843 2.87
2790733 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 15:37:58 (UTC) 2,886,661.83 12.500000 46,186,589 33,290,211 72.08
2787044 Confirmed anonymous 28/09 14:44:03 (UTC) 2,747,899.02 12.501816 43,966,384 45,611,379 103.74
2775718 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 05:23:29 (UTC) 1,192,434.38 12.500654 19,078,950 23,018,152 120.65
2766209 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:37:13 (UTC) 941,795.04 12.500000 15,068,721 11,125,170 73.83
2761977 Confirmed anonymous 01/09 04:34:05 (UTC) 718,100.29 12.500691 11,489,605 60,517,481 526.72
2747401 Confirmed anonymous 16/08 05:07:11 (UTC) 1,276,957.46 12.501026 20,431,319 14,902,234 72.94
2745078 Confirmed anonymous 13/08 15:57:25 (UTC) 1,563,617.04 12.500000 25,017,873 27,899,020 111.52
2737277 Confirmed anonymous 05/08 02:35:25 (UTC) 1,808,837.85 12.500226 28,941,406 51,332,665 177.37
2722961 Confirmed anonymous 20/07 10:26:12 (UTC) 1,426,848.03 12.500006 22,829,569 5,668,239 24.83
2721490 Confirmed anonymous 18/07 19:44:53 (UTC) 1,735,489.14 12.500000 27,767,826 24,825,104 89.40
2715414 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 03:26:20 (UTC) 2,011,391.26 12.501163 32,182,260 58,841,975 182.84
2707390 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 08:46:40 (UTC) 1,576,230.49 12.500168 25,219,688 51,744,320 205.17
2703043 Confirmed anonymous 28/06 14:29:52 (UTC) 2,524,405.80 12.501677 40,390,493 69,260,838 171.48
2697071 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 01:45:12 (UTC) 2,277,678.95 12.500166 36,442,863 18,620,410 51.09
2696198 Confirmed anonymous 21/06 02:46:03 (UTC) 2,372,858.54 12.500000 37,965,737 41,161,452 108.42
2694592 Confirmed anonymous 19/06 08:34:10 (UTC) 1,997,853.77 12.501684 31,965,660 15,104,038 47.25
Totals 561,250,854 604,085,855 107.63
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.