Block Shares

Block Shares
1215610 1215617 1215648 1215672 1215674 1215712 1215713 1215714 1215716 1215726 1215727 1215730 1215752 1215761 1215777 1215809 1215811 1215812 1215813 1215821
Expected 508671 743231 493263 750554 871298 533425 531798 538850 489089 798318 643847 400522 1024776 400466 1122593 518759 491151 491611 477722 481090
Actual 194615 688874 1463954 685793 681188 1263312 12143 7 189603 709931 371228 178675 1043273 303000 484173 1867113 22763 44169 109515 210375
Average 620154 614252 759279 819099 635792 758497 716876 670841 530910 588942 606603 555583 513515 475236 455535 515915 516977 521393 513384 463428

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,433,383 87687 87674 13 177,509.9578 249008128653 306849985601 123.23% 2171791.3362508 3.60%
Last Hour 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 6,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 26,880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 322,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1215821 Confirmed lunaetc 12/01 23:40:39 (UTC) 30,068.13 25.001890 481,090 210,375 43.73
1215813 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 23:34:27 (UTC) 29,857.64 25.054936 477,722 109,515 22.92
1215812 Confirmed lunaetc 12/01 23:30:12 (UTC) 30,725.71 25.000234 491,611 44,169 8.98
1215811 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 23:28:41 (UTC) 30,696.95 25.000685 491,151 22,763 4.63
1215809 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 23:28:02 (UTC) 32,422.43 25.008136 518,759 1,867,113 359.92
1215777 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 22:27:43 (UTC) 70,162.08 25.104353 1,122,593 484,173 43.13
1215761 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 22:11:10 (UTC) 25,029.15 25.000000 400,466 303,000 75.66
1215752 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 22:00:30 (UTC) 64,048.52 25.109601 1,024,776 1,043,273 101.80
1215730 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 21:30:12 (UTC) 25,032.65 25.000000 400,522 178,675 44.61
1215727 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 21:23:24 (UTC) 40,240.43 25.055540 643,847 371,228 57.66
1215726 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 21:09:45 (UTC) 49,894.88 25.001501 798,318 709,931 88.93
1215716 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:51:37 (UTC) 30,568.04 25.000444 489,089 189,603 38.77
1215714 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:49:41 (UTC) 33,678.11 25.002047 538,850 7 0.00
1215713 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:46:22 (UTC) 33,237.39 25.000000 531,798 12,143 2.28
1215712 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:45:56 (UTC) 33,339.04 25.000000 533,425 1,263,312 236.83
1215674 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:03:09 (UTC) 54,456.15 25.126427 871,298 681,188 78.18
1215672 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 19:36:33 (UTC) 46,909.59 25.000387 750,554 685,793 91.37
1215648 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 19:16:01 (UTC) 30,828.93 25.002166 493,263 1,463,954 296.79
1215617 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 18:23:15 (UTC) 46,451.96 25.012572 743,231 688,874 92.69
1215610 Confirmed lunaetc 12/01 18:00:23 (UTC) 31,791.95 25.000226 508,671 194,615 38.26
Totals 12,311,034 10,523,704 85.48
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.